All prices are from and will vary depending on the size of the vehicle or the condition if heavily soiled, Dog hair and Mold removal will cost more to remove. Please empty all belongings from your vehicle prior to our arrival.
Interior Valet From £140, Large cars and 4x4s from £160
Please allow 3-5 Hours
- Carpets, floor mats, seats and all fabric shampooed
- Leather is cleaned and protected
- Boot area vacuumed and cleaned, including spare tyre area
- Dashboard and fascia, interior plastics and door
panels cleaned and dressed
- Air vents and ashtrays cleaned, air freshener to eliminate odours
Polite Notice:
Please give a minimum of 48 hours notice should you need to cancel a booking, Failure to provide 48 hours notice will result in a surcharge of 50% of your service cost. Failure to be present on the day of booking will result in the full cost of your service being charged.