This is a great service to help maintain your vehicle through-out the year especially in winter!
All prices are from and will vary depending on the size of the vehicle or the condition if heavily soiled.
From £180 Large cars and 4x4 from £195
* Wheels are deep cleaned
* Arches and door shuts are cleaned
* A citrus degreaser is applied to the lower half of the vehicle then rinsed
* A PH balanced snow foam is applied to the whole vehicle
* The vehicle is now washed 2bm with a PH balanced shampoo then rinsed
* The vehicle is now dried using only soft plush towels and a quick detail spray
* All nooks and crannies blown free of water
* Paintwork is now polished and glazed
* Bodywork is then waxed
* Glass cleaned inside and out
* Inside area and boot hoovered
* Dash, centre console and all plastics dusted and dressed
* Exhaust's tips polished
* Tyre's and arches dressed with a satin finish dressing.
Polite Notice:
Please give a minimum of 48 hours notice should you need to cancel a booking, Failure to provide 48 hours notice will result in a surcharge of 50% of your service cost. Failure to be present on the day of booking will result in the full cost of your service being charged.